Donate your Facebook birthday fundraiser to support Foster Progress!

Help us make a difference by raising funds for our organization on your special day. Your generosity can change the lives of foster youth and create a brighter future. Join us in making birthdays even more meaningful!

How to set it up:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account

  2. On your News Feed or profile page, locate the section where upcoming birthdays are displayed. You may also find this under the “Events” tab.

  3. Click on the “Fundraiser” button associated with your upcoming birthday.

  4. Choose “Nonprofit” as the type of fundraiser.

  5. Search for and select “Foster Progress” as the nonprofit organization you want to support.

  6. Set a fundraising goal by entering the amount you aim to raise for Foster Progress.

  7. Select the duration for your fundraiser. It can run for a few days leading up to your birthday or extend beyond it.

  8. Personalize your fundraiser by writing a message about why you support Foster Progress and why others should contribute.

  9. Optional: choose cover photo.

  10. Once you’re satisfied with the details, click “Create” or “Start” to launch your birthday fundraiser.

  11. Share your fundraiser on your page and spread the word.

*Remember to follow Facebook’s guidelines and terms of service for fundraisers, and always promote your fundraiser responsibly and ethically*

Thank you for your generosity!